2022, Volume 19, Issue 3
Yuri S. Kostylev Names of Artificial Objects of the Ilmen State Reserve of the First Period of its Development (1920–1930s)
Voprosy onomastiki, 2022, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 221–234 (in Russian) Received on 9 August 2022 Abstract: The paper considers the names of artificial objects of the Ilmen Nature Reserve during the first period of its development (1920–1930s), namely, the names of mines, cordons, roads, and other local objects associated with the extraction of minerals, as well as related to development of the territory. The works of geologists of the corresponding period were used as a source of toponymic material. A significant part of the objects and their names refers to the 18th–19th centuries when the reserve began to form itself, while some of the onomastic units appeared later. The purpose of the study is to identify the motivation behind the names of artificial objects of the reserve and to trace the internal systemic relations between these names. The total number of nominated objects amounts to 155 units, and the number of names slightly exceeds this figure, since some objects have more than one name. The largest group of names are the names of mines. It is found that this name system shows the highest degree of artificiality expressed in the abundance of genitive and descriptive constructions. This is due to the need to identify, inventory and provide scientific description of a large number of objects at a time. In parallel, this system inherits the tradition of naming such objects in which the key element indicates to the person developing the mine and the main mineral extracted from it. Other objects’ names are quite few, which can be explained by the insufficient economic development on the territory. In most cases, these are derived from toponyms, correlating the named items with lakes as the most noticeable objects on the territory of the reserve and in the vicinity of it. Keywords: Ilmen Reserve; Ilmen Mountains; mining; toponymy; onomastic system; motivational pattern; names of mines; names of industrial facilities. Acknowledgements References Bochkareva, E. S. (2010). Deiatel’nost’ Lugininykh na Urale v XVII veke [The Activity of the Luginins in the Urals in the 17th Century]. Vestnik Cheliabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Iss. 40: Istoriia, 15(196), 42–47. Dukhova, I. A. (2022). Mineraly Urala v zerkale toponimii: leksikograficheskii aspekt [Minerals of the Urals in the Mirror of Toponymy: A Lexicographic Aspect] (BA thesis). Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg. Ivanova, E. E. (2020). Nazvaniia kopei samotsvetnoi polosy Urala: nominativnye tipy i modeli [Names and Naming Patterns of the Gemstone Mines of the Urals]. Voprosy onomastiki, 17(2), 107–134. https://doi.org/10.15826/vopr_onom.2020.17.2.020 Novikov, I. A. (2012). Struktura upravleniia gornozavodskoi promyshlennost’iu Iuzhnogo Urala v XVIII veke [Management of the Mining Industry of the Southern Urals in the 18th Century]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta, 3(118), 13–19. |
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