2006 №3


Molchanova О. Т. Proprial Nomination in the Light of Cognitivism

Toporova Т. V. From Common Name to Proper Name: Old Norse hallr ‘stone’ in the Elder Edda

Frolova О. Е. Precedent Anthroponym in the Function of Semantic Predicate

Tchaykina Yu. I. Women Naming in Novgorod Birch-Bark Letters of the 11th –14th Centuries

Helimski Е. А. The Northwestern Group of Finno-Ugric Languages and Its Substrate Heritage 

Shilov А. L. Toponymic Evidence of the Pagan Past of Moscow 

Napol'skikh V. V. Vyatka, Julman, Yugra и Siberia in an Arabian Source of the 1st half of the 14th Century

Romanova Т. P. Evolutionary Processes in the Modern Russian Ergonymic Terminology 


Vorontsova Yu. B. Materials for the Dictionary of Collective Nicknames of Arkhangelsk Region Dwellers. I. А–К

Academic Life

Conferences, meetings, symposia

Molchanova O. T. The 22nd International Onomastic Congress

Dmitriyeva T. N. Onomastic Problems at the 10th International Congress of Finno-Ugric Studies


Shilov А. L. On the Interpretation of Some Field Materials


Ratnikova I. E. Imya sobstvennoye: ot kulturnoy semantiki k yazykovoy [Proper name: From Cultural Semantics towards Linguistic Semantics] (I. V. Rodionova) 

Polessky narodny kalendar' v kontekste traditsionnoy kultury [Polesye Popular Calendar in the Context of Traditional Culture] (N. I. Konovalova)

Vorobyova V. M. Tverskoy toponimichesky slovar'. Nazvaniya naselennykh mest [Tver Toponymic Dictionary. Settlement Names] (E. E. Ivanova) 

Chagin G. N. Perm Velikaya v toponimicheskikh dokozatel'stvakh [Great Perm in Toponymic Evidences] (T. N. Dmitriyeva)

Russian Onomastics in the Slavic Onomastic Encyclopedia (M. E. Ruth)

New books

New Dissertations on Onomastics

Kuz'min D. V. Areal'naya distributsiya toponimnykh modeley Belomorskoy Karelii [Diatopic Distribution of Toponymic Models on the White Sea Karelian Coast] (А. N. Kuklin)

Dissertations of 2003–2005


Saint-Petersburg University Toponymic Expeditions (А. S. Gerd)

In Memoriam

Aleksey S. Stryzhak (1925–2006)

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