2016, Volume 13, Issue 1


Zakharova, E. V., Makarova, A. A., Mullonen, I. I.
In Search of Toponymic Borders in Belozerye

Breeze A.
Legionum Urbs and the British Martyrs Aaron and Julius

Repanšek, L.
On the Origin of Trbiž, Ancient *Taruisia/-um

Gaidamashko, R. V., Chugayev, N. V.
On the Origin of Russian Anthroponyms with the Stems Yamysh- and Yemash-

Feoktistova, L. A.
Towards a Methodology for the Analysis of Associative-Derivational Meaning of a Personal Name

Suleymanova, L. R., Suleymanov, F. M., Lasynova, N. A.
Anthroponyms of Arabic Origin with Religious Meaning in Bashkir ‘Shejere’

Rutkowski M.
Humorous Names in the Light of Incongruity Theory

Romanova, T. P.
Marketing Message Components in Commercial Naming

Shimkevich, N. V.
On One Paradoxical Type of Proper Names (With Reference to the Names of Legal Entities of the Residential Community of Gorny Shchit, Ekaterinburg)

Brief communications

Sakallı E.
New Trends in Name-Giving in Turkey

Loport, E. P.
Names of Boats Derived from Toponyms and Ethnonyms in the Russian Dialects of the Arkhangelsk Region

Beláková, M.
Hydronymic Evidence of Migrations in Western Slovakia

From the history of onomastics

On the 20th Anniversary of the Death of Academician Nikita I. Tolstoy

Academic curriculum

Conferences, congresses, symposia

Bugheșiu A., Goryaev S.
The 3rd International Conference on Onomastics Name and Naming (ICONN 3)

Kabinina, N. V.
The 3rd International Conference Ethnolinguistics. Onomastics. Etymology

A review

Book reviews

Kachalkova, Y. A.
On Sociology of Urbanonymy. Review of the book: Vlahova-Angelova, M. (2013). Ulitsite na Sofiia: kartografirane na gradskata identichnost [Streets of Sofia: Mapping the City Identity]. Sophia: IBL.

Golomidova, M. V.
Urban Everyday Life in the Mirror of Unofficial Oikonymy. Review of the book: Akhmetova, M. V. (2015). Ot A-Ata do Iarska: slovar’ neofitsial’nykh nazvanii naselennykh punktov [From A-At to Yarsk: A Dictionary of Unofficial Settlement Names]. Moscow: FORUM.


In memoriam

Yulia Ivanovna Chaykina

A Selected Bibliography of Works by Yulia Chaykina