2016, Volume 13, Issue 1
Roman V. Gaidamashko* On the Origin of Russian Anthroponyms with the Stems Yamysh- and Yemash-
Voprosy onomastiki, 2016, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 62–84 (in Russian) Received 19 October 2015 Abstract: The article analyses the surnames Yamyshev and Yemashev attested in one 18th-century Russian regional manuscript Stolp prikhodnoy pyskorskoy denezhnoy kazny 1741 godu (The Pyskor Factory Receipt Book of the Year 1741) (Solikamsk district, Perm province) and still in use as of today. The authors provide a comparative, historical and linguo-geographic analysis of the names, the Perm historical data being compared with old and modern anthroponyms and toponyms with similar stems (Yemash-, Yemish-, Yamash-, Yamush-, Yamysh- and others). The analysis is drawn with reference to the Russian, Finno-Ugric and Turkic languages, its results are represented on a linguistic map. The authors also discuss possible interpretations of the names’ confusion in the Perm manuscript to propose reliable etymological solutions for the names with stems Yemash- and Yamysh-. 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