2022. Т. 19. №1
Anna A. Makarova Double Names in the Oikonymy of Belozerye: Evolution and Reconstruction Issues (Based on Lists of Settlements and Fieldwork Data)
Voprosy onomastiki, 2022, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 84–116 (in Russian) Received on 19 February 2022 Abstract: In the official lists of settlements of the second half of the 19th — early 20th century, there are so-called double names, the second name usually given in parentheses after the first one. In the article, such double names are compared with the modern system of double (simultaneously existing) names of settlements identified during the fieldwork in the second half of the 20th — early 21st century. The phenomenon of double names is considered on the example of Belozerye — a vast territory corresponding to the Belozersk Principality within the borders of the 14th century, reconstructed by A. I. Kopanev based on the study of the land tenure system. Historical data were extracted from the settlements lists of the specified territory for the Vytegorsky, Kargopolsky, and Lodeynopolsky counties of the Olonets Governorate (1905), Ustyuzhensky county of the Novgorod Governorate (1911), Cherepovets, Kirillovsky, and Belozersky counties of the Novgorod Governorate (1912). Materials for a number of volosts were compared to the settlements list of the Olonets Governorate (1873), to a map from Schubert’s Atlas reflecting the state of the area in 1826–1840 and containing double settlements names, as well as to a map from the “Novgorod Collection” of 1865–1866. The richest collections of the electronic database of the Ural Federal University Toponymic Expedition are used as a source of modern data, including materials of field expeditions to Belozerye of the 1960s–2010s: this is the territory of the west of the modern Vologda Region (Belozersky, Babaevsky, Vashkinsky, Vozhegodsky, Vytegorsky, Kirillovsky, Kaduysky, Ustyuzhensky, Chagodoshchensky, Cherepovets, Sheksninsky Districts), and south-west of the Arkhangelsk Region (Kargopolsky and Konoshsky Districts). The study examines the issues of the evolution of oikonyms over time, the relationship of various written (official, including cartographic) and oral variants, etc. The analysis of factors determining the preservation and continuity of the toponymic system is presented. Keywords: oikonymy, Belozerye, double names, unofficial oikonymy, settlements lists, field linguistics. Acknowledgements The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant project No. 20-18-00223 The Etymologisation and Semantic Reconstruction of Russian Dialect Vocabulary. References Afanasyeva, A. A. (2020). Evoliutsiia oikonimicheskoi sistemy Siamozer’ia [Evolution of the Oikonymic System of Lake Syamozero Territory]. Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University, 42(7), 64–71. https://doi.org/10.15393/uchz.art.2020.540 Chaykina, Yu. I. (1988). Geograficheskie nazvaniia Vologodskoi oblasti: toponimicheskij slovar’ [Geographical Names of the Vologda Region: Toponymic Dictionary]. Arkhangelsk: Sev.-Zap. kn. izd-vo. Golovina, E. D. (1970). Semanticheskie i strukturnye sdvigi v nazvaniiakh naselennykh punktov byvshei Viatskoi gubernii [Semantical and Structural Shifts in the Settlement Names of the former Vyatka Governorate]. Voprosy toponomastiki, 4, 3–14. Kopanev, A. I. (1951). Istoriia zemlevladeniia Belozerskogo kraia XV–XVI v. [The History of Land Ownership in the 15th–16th Centuries Belozerye]. Moscow, Leningrad: Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Kuznetsov, A. V. (2016). Proiskhozhdenie nazvanii dereven’ Russkogo Severa: iz pistsovykh, dozornykh i perepisnykh knig XVI–XVII vekov [Origin of the Settlement Names of the Russian North: From Scribal, Patrol and Census Books of the 16th–17th Centuries]. Totma, Vologda: Lis’ia Gora. Mullonen, I. I. (2021). Toponimicheskie markery evoliutsii poselencheskoi seti v vepsskom Prionezh’e [Toponymic Markers of the Settlement Network Evolution in Veps Prionezhye]. Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University, 43(7), 8–18. https://doi.org/10.15393/uchz.art.2021.675 Mullonen, I. I., & Zhukov, A. Yu. (2020). Dinamika razvitiia oikonimicheskoi sistemy v severoliudikovskom iazykovom areale [Dynamics of Development of Oikonymic System in Northern Lyudik Language Area]. Nauchnyi dialog, 5, 113–131. https://doi.org/10.24224/2227-1295-2020-5-113-131 Simina, G. Ya. (1970). Evoliutsiia nazvanii naselennykh punktov Pinezh’ia (po materialam pis’mennykh istochnikov) [Evolution of the Settlement Names of Pinezhye (Based on Materials from Written Sources)]. Uchenye zapiski Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Filologicheskaia, 90, 15–24. Zakharova, E. V. (2020). Stanovlenie ofitsial’noi sistemy oikonimov Vedlozer’ia po dannym pis’mennykh istochnikov [Formation of the Official Settlement Names System of Vodlozerye Based on Data from Written Sources]. In I. P. Novak (Ed.), Bubrikhovskie chteniia: zadokumentirovannoe narodnoe slovo: materialy Vseros. nauch. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Petrozavodsk, 27–28 oktiabria 2020 g.) [Bubrikh Readings: Documented Folk Word. Proceedings of the Conference] (pp. 101–104). Petrozavodsk: PetrGU. |
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