2020, Volume 17, Issue 1
Alina S. Alekseeva The Origin of the Folklore Hydronym Apolevta
Voprosy onomastiki, 2020, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 203–208 (in Russian) Received 7 March 2019 Abstract: In their article devoted to hydronyms in the oral and handwritten charms of the North Russian, T. A. Agapkina, E. L. Berezovich, and O. D. Surikova comment on the name of a fiery river Apolevta assuming that there may exist two copies of the text. The authors suggest that this river name might either originate from an unestablished Greek word or else, is a case of erroneous usage. The author of the present work argues the existence of one single copy of the text that was published by N. N. Vinogradov in 1910. As regards the hydronym Apolevta, the structure of the original text (particularly, the space organization) testifies to an incorrect interpretation by the scribe: in fact, the text uses a short form of the adjective with a postpositive particle -to which frequently occurs in North Russian dialects. Thus, the hydronym Apolevta is a result of an incorrect reading of the source by V. A. Ivanovsky. Keywords: hydronyms, textual criticism, North Russian dialects, Russian North, Russian Geographical Society, Russian folklore, charms. References Agapkina, T. A., Berezovich, E. L., & Surikova, O. D. (2018). Toponimiia zagovorov Russkogo Severa. I: Moria i reki [Toponyms in the Charms of the Russian North. I: Seas and Rivers]. Voprosy onomastiki, 15(1), 65–114. http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/vopr_onom.2018.15.1.004 Kasatkina, R. F (2008). Eshche raz o statuse izmeniaemoi chastitsy -to v severnorusskikh govorakh [Revisiting the Status of the Variable Particle “to” in North-Russian Dialects]. In L. E. Kalnyn (Ed.), Issledovaniia po slavianskoi dialektologii. Vol. 13: Slavianskie dialekty v situatsii iazykovogo kontakta (v proshlom i nastoiashchem) [Studies in Slavic Dialectology. Vol. 13: Slavic Dialects and Language Contacts] (pp. 18–30). Moscow: Institut slavianovedeniia RAN. |
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