2019, Volume 16, Issue 4

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Antonina P. Lipatova
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University
Ulyanovsk, Russia

Cognitive Strategies of Self-naming Among Schoolchildren (Gender Aspect)

Voprosy onomastiki, 2019, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp. 151–167 (in Russian)
DOI: 10.15826/vopr_onom.2019.16.4.050

Received 28 August 2019

Abstract: Proper name is a key means of self-presentation on the Internet. The features of Internet behavior peculiar to Generation Z have become a popular object of research, but the ways that the anonymized oral-written digital discourse impacts everyday school life, which is largely associated with written texts, has never received special attention. This paper reaches further than stating the fact and researching the forms of this influence, it takes to identify differences in young peoples’ cognitive self-representation strategies manifested through Internet naming. The study is based on a sociological survey on everyday school life carried out within the school environment. Such questionnaires were precedented by written works which are traditionally signed to identify the student who completed it. Our analysis focused on the personal data section (identifying the respondent) which does not imply variability due to its specific function. As a result of the analysis, five self-naming strategies were identified: the factual strategy (the proper name is indicated in the corresponding column), the incognito strategy (the column is left unfilled), the network strategy (a nickname is indicated instead of a personal name), the use of a nickname typical for offline communication, and the strategy of cultural referencing (using the name of a famous character, such as a meme). The study found that feminine and masculine naming strategies differ significantly: girls tend to choose neutral names whereas young men are more likely to opt for provocative forms. The results testify to hidden disparities in the sociocultural stereotypes of feminine and masculine behavior apprehended by modern teenagers through mass culture. The types of data (name, gender) which were previously filled in formally have now become a means for self-presentation affected by Internet discourse. Arguably, the name here appears in its original function, in close connection with the identity that the individual constructs and conveys through the name.

Keywords: generation Z, Internet communication, proper name, personal name, nickname, artificial naming.

The research is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. №18-013-00853 “Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of the Psychological and Pedagogical Analysis of Schoolchildren’s Daily Life in the Context of Implementation of the Federal Educational Standards for Middle and High Schools”.


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