2017, Volume 14, Issue 2

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Gulmira B. Madieva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Vasiliy I. Suprun
Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
Volgograd, Russia

The System of Modern Russian Urbanonymic Terminology

Voprosy onomastiki, 2017, Volume 14, Issue 2, pp. 115–125
DOI: 10.15826/vopr_onom.2017.14.2.014

Received 19 August 2016

Abstract: The article considers Russian onomastic terms referring to various kinds of city place names. Streets and squares are identified as major objects within the urban realm due to their intrinsic addressing capacity and linearity. Thus, street and square names (hodonyms and agronyms) constitute the core of the ubranonymic terminology. The names of isolated buildings (oikodomonyms), temples, churches, monasteries and convents (ecclesionyms), gates (pylonyms), bridges (gephyronyms), public transport stops (poreiurbanonyms), as well as the names of city districts and quarters (urban choronyms), lacking the addressing function, constitute the terminological periphery. The paper discusses the practicabilty of introducing specific terms for rural place names, generally displaying the same onomasiological patterns as urban place names. The authors challenge the use of the term vikonym as applied to rural place names. Instead, the term rusticonym is suggested as more appropriate in both semantic and morphological aspects. The article emphasizes that urban place names are commonly used as parts of wider syntagmas (urbanonymic formulas) containing appellative terms. Such terms can be omitted in real communication, although this often causes communication failures. The authors conclude that urbanonymic terminology requires further theoretical comprehension and detailed lexicographic treatment.

Keywords: Russian language, urban place names, city facilities, urban toponymicon, onomastic terminology


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