2013 №1 (14)
Olesya D. Surikova Derivatives of Somatisms Prefixed with bez- (без-) in Russian and Ukrainian AnthroponymyVoprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics), 2013, Issue 1 (14), pp 58–78 (in Russian) Abstract: The article analyzes the functioning of the model “bez + somatism” in Russian and Ukrainian anthroponymy (family names, collective, individual and family nicknames) on the basis of motivational and statistic methods. The author reveals the most productive stems with somatic meaning (i.e. the stems giving the most frequent names), linguistic and extra-linguistic reasons for productivity of the abovementioned stems for anthroponym formation, and groups those anthroponymical derivatives according to the categorical status of the part of the body indicated in the inner form which lets describe the axiological character of nicknaming. The collected statistic data enable to analyze the areal distribution of the names in question and the semantic volume of the lexemes serving as productive stems for the anthroponyms. Key words: Slavic languages, Russian language, Ukrainian language, anthroponymy, family name, nickname, prefixal derivatives, prefix bez-, somatic words, semantic reconstruction, statistic analysis, ethnolinguistics References Arkadiev, P. M., & Kreidlin, G. E. (2011). Chasti tela i ikh funktsii (po dannym russkogo iazyka i russkogo iazyka tela) [Bodyparts and Their Functions (With Reference to the Russian Language and the Russian Body Language)]. In I. M. Boguslavsky, L. L. Iomdin, & L. P. Krysin (Eds.). Slovo i iazyk: sb. k vos'midesiatiletiiu akad. Iu. D. Apresiana [Word and Language: A collection of Articles for the 80th Anniversary of Academician Yu. D. Apresyan]. (pp. 41–54). Moscow: Iazyki slavianskikh kul'tur. Arutiunova, N. D. (1999). Iazyk i mir cheloveka [Language and Human World]. 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